Lord, I'm in that place again 
On my knees 
Laying my life out before You 
Thank you that on the cross you cried 
"It is finished" 
You have done it 
Forgiveness is complete 
I can live forever in Your grace 
Forever in Your love 

So I ask now for Your forgiveness 
For the wrongs that I have done 
And the things that I have neglected 
I ask for Your forgiveness 
For the people I have hurt along the way 
And those who I have failed to love as You love 
I ask for Your forgiveness 

I receive Your forgiveness 
And resolve in my heart 
That with Your strength 
I determine not to make these errors again 
I receive Your forgiveness 
And by the power of Your Holy Spirit 
I walk away from everything I know to be wrong 
And embrace everything I know about You 
For the kingdom, the power and the glory 
Are always and forever Yours 

What is the future of religion? Is technology going to improve it? 
This is my vision of a nun living a spiritual life in a materialist world.

Emanate Project

Emanate Project

What is the future of religion? Is technology going to improve it? This is my vision of a nun living a spiritual life in a materialist world.
